Tag Archives: Consignment

Trendy Trades

Happy Sunday! Woooo.

Today this post is about a consignment store in my area called Trendy Trades. It is much like Plato’s Closet. If you have old clothes that are taking too much space up and need to be gone then this is the perfect place to go!

  • Don’t ever just let something sit in your closet you don’t like or won’t wear!
  • Don’t ever throw away your old clothes unless they are permanently stained or ripped.
  • ALWAYS sell your old clothing!

I’m really big on selling my clothes, i love the extra money! Doesn’t everyone? And who knows, I might hate it but someone else might love it. So I took a bunch of my clothes that I haven’t worn in about two-four years (and won’t ever wear again) here and also my boyfriends clothes as well. It’s been really hard for me to sell my clothes recently. I joined countless groups on Facebook to sell some of them but no one was buying! Also with that being said I’m sure they weren’t buying because a lot of them were from back in the day when I had that “awkward” stage and dressed weird. Then one day driving home I heard on the radio about this store opening up in town and as soon as I got home I packed up our clothes into boxes and went there first thing the next day. When we got there the worker told us to leave the two boxes we had with them and they would go through them and decide what they wanted and didn’t want. The guy told us they would probably buy a lot of it because right now they’re not officially opened, so to stock up the store they are buying most things from people before opening. We left and showed back up a few hours later although it was only going to take an hour. And gladly, they bought half of them! I had the box crammed full of graphic t-shirts, jeans, scarfs. etc. All worn about once or never. Never thought they would like my old alternative style. So they cashed us a check for $50.00 and we split it. (Even though I think they bought more of my clothes, so i deserve more of the money) But that was partially my fault, I wasn’t thinking to tell them to split us up. So that’s a lesson learned 🙂
Overall the experience was good. The employees were friendly and weren’t judgemental at all about the clothes I had. I was so worried that they would be! (yeah, they were that embarrassing..)

But what I’m trying to get at in this post is you should always try to think of ways to get money for your clothes. I know so many people, including my mother, who throw away clothes when it could be extra cash into your pocket. You could have a yard-sale, join a Facebook group for locals selling, post on LSN/Craigslist, go to local consignment stores that buy them, or if you’re just feeling generous and don’t need the money then there is always Goodwill!

Thanks for reading 🙂

xo, Brittney